Hilary Lee

Fine Art

Expanding at the intersection of creativity, science and energy


“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness”
Thich Nhat Hanh

My work is inspired by my own deep exploration into my own experiences of the oft-times murky depths of myself. The disconnecting tactics I employ to manage in an out-of-balance society; the raw unfettered music that helps me connect to the well in my soul; the intrigue in the inconceivable vastness of the cosmos as well as the hidden microscopic world; the magic of intuition and the staggering harmony and beauty in the natural world; the almost imperceptible moments shaped by past, present and future. The frustration with the absurdity of unchallenged convention and the wasted potential of humanity. The infinite potential of oneness if we can awaken from the illusion of our separateness.

All work is original and by Hilary Lee

Available for sale unless indicated.

All enquiries to Hilary on 93236206 or at hilarylee@heartmindandmagic.com

Series : The Healing of Persephone


The myth of Persephone is one that captured my imagination throughout my childhood. The abduction of Demeter’s daughter, torn from the bright, abundant, flowering earth to dwell in darkness in the underworld, transformed not just her own psychology (and mine!) but also her mother’s & Hades’, and this had an irrevocable and lasting impact on the nature of the physical world too.

In darkness there is lightness of spirit, in shadow there is the truth of our deepest natures. “As above, so below; as below, so above.” The infinite cycle of birth, death and rebirth is at the very heart of all of (our) nature. If we learn to embrace and believe in the truth of ourselves, our shadow as well as our light, we can always find beauty, even in the darkness.

Series : Koyaanisqatsi


Inspired by Koyaanisqatsi - the 1982 experimental film by Godfrey Reggio and famously scored by Philip Glass, which is itself inspired by the Hopi word for “Life Out of Balance”.

We are living in the age of the Anthropocene - an age where human decisions and activity have shaped our environment to the point of potentially no return. Alarming signals of climate change, environmental and resource pressures, technological change and influence -  in confluence with global political change  and major socio demographic shifts -  will continue to have unprecedented and uncertain ramifications on how humans will be living and working, now and into the next decade and beyond.  (Link to paper)

As humans we are in a uniquely powerful place to more proactively and positively shape the change, to create more balance and harmony, from the inside out.

Dreams are messages from the deep

Wholeness and the Implicate Order


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